How to plan your tasks better manage your time?

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The need to plan all a task or all its activities, ordinary and extraordinary. Common or exceptional, often depends on the degree of importance. Given to good time management. But, good time management involves anticipating. The tasks to be carry out according to the objectives and deadlines set.
There is no universal method of organization, planning and management, but good organization. Planning and management are base on a few simple principles.
Principles of planning and time management
Allow time for planning
When you feel pressed for time, you tend to save time on the back of organizing and planning operations. Stress pushes us to take immediate action. This often leads to the opposite effect: instead of saving time, you lose a lot of it. With the consequences that we know on a psychological level (anxiety, stress, panic, etc.)
 Specify immediate and long-term goals
Know where you want to go, what goals you want to achieve. The more precise the target, the easier it is to predict the most functional organization and to plan . Reflecting on the comparative value of the different goals. Pursued also facilitates the determination of priorities. In case of scheduling conflicts, we know in advance which aim will go first. Which second, which will be leave behind.

Have an overview and see coming from afar

Good planning should provide both an overview of the project (to the detriment of detail). And a detailed view of each step or component of the project (to the detriment of the overview). It allows you to see potential problems well in advance and to react to them in time. It also helps to ensure proper integration. The different stages and components of a project. The worst way to manage a project is “management by emergencies. Or short-sighted management.
Plan in detail for the short and long term
Good planning template begins with a breakdown of the project into. Logical steps and tasks a description as precise and detailed as possible of the steps to be take. and the tasks to be do, an estimate as exact as possible of the time that each task will take. This division into stages and tasks, the duration of which has been . estimated makes it possible to spread out their completion. According to the schedule of deadlines and the time available. And in the event of conflicts, tofocus one certain tasks.
Expect the unpredictable: agility-flexibility-versatility
The unexpected is the major cause of disruptions in schedules and work plans. Some tasks take longer than expected (unrealistic preliminary estimate). Availability is reduce (family events, health problems). It is thus prudent not to plan too and to leave room for manoeuvre. To show great realism in estimating durations and work capacities. To allow time for the search for missing information. And to plan for possible changes in goals or objectives.
Take into account their real abilities
The human mind is not a computer. It works best under certain favorable conditions and becomes. Particularly inefficient with fatigue and prolonged stress. It is thus necessary to adjust its planning and its management to its motivations. (Tastes, availability) to its ability to concentrate (places, times, atmospheres). And to the functioning of its memory (periods of reminders and review).

Keep track of your journey

You have to be able to know where you are at all times. It is also desirable to know exactly what you have done with your time. (Self-assessment of the progress, justification of your schedule, development of expertise).
Principles of organizing your space and your work tools
To be order yes, but what order are we talking about? A given order has value only the goal to be achieve. Its main quality is so to be functional. As far as studies are concern, the order chosen often reflects the conception we have of learning. We could summarize the two poles of this conception with the help of two metaphors. The first is that of sedimentation. Learning is conceivce as a progressive accumulation of knowledge. Layer after layer, lesson after lesson. The order chosen is that of a binder where the documents and course notes are pile. up in order of arrival, regardless of their category and their utility value. The second is that of the architect: learning is see. As a constant questioning and reconstruction of concepts and materials.
Quick accessibility
 A “functional” order must allow rapid access at all times. To essential information and classified documents. There is no exemplary classification method. This must be consider according to each project. Each subject, each course has its own requirements. The classification of course documents and their indexing. Must be though of in practical terms.


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